Best Tips For The Approval of Google AdSense

  SEO and Adsense
Best Tips For The Approval of Google AdSense 
CE Ahmed Ismail 9:39 AM A + A - Print Email Do you have a website? and you want to get the acceptance and approval of Google AdSense Program easily.  If your answer is yes, you must follow me and read this article carefully because we will explain in this article the things that affect the approval of Google AdSense and how to make Google AdSense accept your request quickly.
You will be wrong If you thought that it is difficult to get the acceptance and approval of Google AdSense. If you follow and read this article carefully you will know that it is very easy to get the approval of Google AdSense but through these thing we will explain.

Tips For The Approval of Google AdSense
To get the acceptance and the approval of Google AdSense easily we must achieve the following points :

Unique Content.
Website Domain.
Website Template Design and Navigation.
Important Pages for your site.
Website Traffic.
Remove Third Party Advertisement. To get the approval and acceptance of the Google AdSense quickly you must be interested in the previous things and achieve them to be not refused.
1- Unique Content :
The Unique Content is the first thing that make you blog Special. If you have Special content, Google AdSense will pay more for you because Google AdSence interested in the websites that have Special contents.

Unique Content
How can you get Special content?
To get Special content, you must write it from your mind and don't copy it from other websites but if you copied something you must mention the reference of it. the other thing, your article should not have grammatical mistakes because if it has grammatical mistakes, Googlo AdSense will refuse and reject your website surely.
How can you know that your content is unique?
when you wrote a unique article you must go to the following page that called [ Plagiarism Checker ] that launched by the Small SEO Tools website. you should copy the content you wrote and then paste it then press on [ Check For Plagiarism ]. you must do this step because Google AdSense interested in the sites that contain best unique articles and pay for it more than the others as we discussed the section of Unique content.
How many posts should the blog contain? And How many words should the article contain?
In-fact, there is no exact information about it but the approval in Google AdSense is related to how many posts that your website contain and the number is not determined but you can assume that it is from 20 to 30 posts as a minimum number and each article should contain more than 500 words. 
What are the Topics that will be never approved be AdSense?
The following topics will be never approved be Google AdSense :
illegal items.
pirated content.
adult content.
and the topics that not accepted by the Community. So, you must be interested in the content of your articles and make it unique and new.
2- Website Domain :
Website Domain To make Google AdSense approve your request you must know that it is very difficult to get the approval for sub-domains like (,,...etc ) so you must buy a top level domain such as (.com,.net,.org, and etc). make your Top Level Domain  short, easy to be remembered and related to the content of your blog and I advise you to get (.com ) domain. Finally to get the approval of Google AdSense Program, your domain age must be at least one month with hard working and unique topics
3- Website Template Design and Navigation:
You should use a simple template to your website and it must be a responsive template and friendly to smart phones because the number of the visitors using smart phones is very large so you must use a template that is responsive and it makes the approval easy. Go to the following site to check if your template is friendly to smart phones or not and the site is called [Mobile Friendly Checker tool].
Mobile Friendly Checker tool
To make the approval more easy you must make the navigation in your blog is more easy for your visitors because if it difficult for users to get the links they will leave you site without coming back and your the Google AdSense will not approve your request. when you choose your site template, you must take the colors into consideration to make your site colors comfortable to the eyes. So, you must be interested in the design and navigation of your site. 

4- Important Pages for your site:
Important Pages for your site To be approved in Google AdSense Program easily, your blog must contain the following pages before you think to Submit the application for the Program:

Contact Us : 
This page allow the visitors to contact you at any time if they found any problems in your site and if they wanted any thing from you.[ Press here for example ]
Privacy Policy :
This page is the important to get the approval of Google AdSense easily because you writes about your blog and what is your site about.[ Press here for example ]

About Us :
This is very important page because when the visitors love your blog, they will think about contacting the author. So you must make this page and put your real information. Also it is wanted by the advertisers to ask you to put their Ads in your blog.[ Press here for example ]

Terms and Conditions :
Also it is very important page to give the visitors the different terms and conditions of your website.[ Press here for example ]

- Website Traffic :
Website Traffic You must avoid the paid sources to increase your visitors and avoid anyways that is illegal Ways and incompatible with the policy of Google Adsense. You can use the social sites to share your topics and you can use Keywords to get more traffic to your blog and this way is most preferable for google AdSense.
Do not apply for Google AdSense before you have good traffic.

6- Remove Third Party Advertisement :
Remove Third Party Advertisement If your blog Contain third party advertisements, you must remove it from your blog before you think to apply to Google AdSense Program to increase your chance in making Google AdSense approve your request.  

Finally :
If you followed these Tips, you will be approved easily by Google Adsense surely... What is your opinion about this topic? Is it useful?. share your opinion to learn from each other.
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