3.1.   Teaching Description
         In this part the activity of the writer will describe about teaching description, before the teacher teach the students, the teacher should prepare a lesson plan so that  the teaching and learning process in the class can become active, creative, effective and fun. The teacher taught the students in the class can be organized and can become active.
3.1.1. Preparation Before Teaching Activities
         In pre teaching the teacher must be prepare herself  before start the activity of  teaching  learning  process happens. The writer  have  to  give  time  for the students to learn them selves before begin to study the lesson so when the study begin, they feel more comfortable.  Because they  still like playing and have fun.  The teacher called of the student name one by one, the function of the attendance list to check the students who attends the class everyday.  After that to make the students more comfortable like the teacher asking the condition of the students like “ Hi students, how are you today ?, “ or the teacher can asking about their holiday last week.  In the beginning the teacher can start with greeting then continue with the check attendance list before begin the lesson. With a lesson plane, we hopes learning process in the class can active, creative, effective and fun. So the main important point can be achieved. The following are contents about pre teaching that must the teachers make. They are:
1.Basic competence : It means capability in learning that must be owned the students.
3.  Material lesson : It is point will be learned the students in every unit lesson.
4. Lesson Activity : Method : It means what methods that the teachers use to teaching in the class whether demonstration, asking question, picture, etc.
          The teacher taught Question Tags the order may of the teaching preparation varied from one unit to the next, but the specific stages of the preparation phase are:
1.    Making Lesson Plan
          The teacher makes preparation of teaching depends on the lesson that theteacher was going to teach. This plan includes a statement of lesson objective, the procedures and facilities to be used during the lesson, the specific goals to be attained, the means to be used for reviews and evaluation. For further explanation about lesson plan form has enclosure on appendices.
2.    The Book/Handbook and  Other Books
               The teacher often uses module or handbook; there were kind of books such as module for students and for the teacher. Beside that, the teacher took some books to teach in the class, which can help the material. The teacher often uses module or handbook; there are kind of books such as: module for students and for the teacher.

3.1.3. Process of Teaching
            The first meeting started. The teacher came to class at 15.00 pm, she will say greeting good afternoon because this is the first time so the teacher must introduce herself. She said her name, address, education, favorite food and drink. Then she gave a chance to students to ask, because the students’ did not ask anything, the teacher continued the lesson. The students just listened to their teacher without asking anything. For greeting and introduction the teacher had 5 minutes. After introduction stage, the teacher took the attendance list and mentioned each name of the students in the classroom. After that, the teacher had 10 minutes to ask students and the student have to answer the question.
1.       Greeting Stage
Teacher   : “Ok, let’s start to the next lesson”.
Student   : “Ok, what is it?”
Teacher   : “This lesson is about Question Tag”
Teacher   : Well, in Question Tag has an auxiliary verb, do you know about it?
Students : Yes, Auxiliary”
                        Teacher  : So, What they are?
                        Students : is, am, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, did, does, will, shall, would …
                        Teacher  : That’s right. Now,we study about question tags. question tags is a      
                                         question added at the end of a sentence, and question tags have 2 types
                                         of sentence. So can you give one example sentence question tags?”
                        Student  : are you a student, aren’t I?
                        Teacher  : Excellent. So, question tags......... (Lesson their to begin)
                                          The teacher had 10 minutes to ask students.

2.       Presentation Stage

                                    The teacher explained the lesson clearly and the students have to listen carefully. The teacher spent 10 minutes to explain the material of question tags to the students And the students have to memorize. The meaning of question tag is to make sure the information is correct or to seek agreement. A tag question is a question add at the end of a sentence. if the sentence is positive the tag must be negative statement and if the sentence is negative the tag must be positive statement. The patterns of question tags are:
Auxiliary Verb of Question Tags
Look at these examples with positive statements:

positive statement [+]
negative tag [-]
(same as subject)
Aren’t you?
doesn’t she?
Didn’t you?
Won’t they?
Can’t I?
Mustn’t we?
Shouldn’t he?

Table III.2 Auxiliary Verb of question tags.

1.      You are going to school now, aren’t you?
2.      She likes to eat banana every morning, doesn’t she?
3.      You went to Artha Gading Mall yesterday, didn’t you?
4.      I can ride a bicycle, cant I?
5.      We must sing this song, mustn’t we?
6.      He should watch this movie, shouldn’t he?
Look at these examples with negative statements:
negative statement [-]
positive tag [+]
Personal Pronoun (same as subject)
is it?
has he ?
do you?
Was I?
were they?
Table III.3 Auxiliary Verb of question tag
1.       He's read this book, hasn't he?
2.       He read this book, didn't he?
3.       He's reading this book, isn't he?
4.       He reads a lot of books, doesn't he?
5.       He'll read this book, won't he?
6.       He should read this book, shouldn't he?
7.       He can read this book, can't he?

3.         Exercises Stage
            After the teacher introduce the topic, the teacher divided the students  became group and there are two groups. The teacher usually play bingo, traffic light, shoot the target with tag endings. In this meeting the teacher give students cards like with different tag endings (for example ...,have they?, haven’t they?, doesn’t she? does she?, don’t you?, did you?, didn’t you?, has he?, hasn’t he?, was she?, wasn’t she?, weren’t we?, were we? Aren’t they?, are they?, must we?, mustn’t we?). Then the teacher take a card and read the sentence (She went to the supermarket yesterday) which group answered the first and true they will get point for their group and so long until the time of play the game has finished and which group get many point they will be the winner. The game has taken 15 minutes  If they have a possible ending, they cross it out. The idea is to complete the card first. Students enjoy the game a lot! They have to pay attention to the tense and pronoun used.
1.      Games
          Game is one of things that make the students are more fun and not feel boring. The teacher has to create a game that related to the lesson. The games that the writer used in teaching question tags were :

1.     Write as fast as you can.
            Firstly the teacher explained the rules of those games and after that she asked the students to play the games based on the teacher’s rule. It was done to make the students to be more active and to make them enjoy in doing the task. The teacher divided  the students become two group and she said to the students to stand up in the front of the class. After that the teacher said the students to make a sentence by using their own word and they must write down the sentence with the right answer on the whiteboard andwhose group can answer the question corretcly and the fastest they group will be the winner.
2.      Bingo on the whiteboard




            Tables III.1 Bingo on the whiteboard
            Teacher said to the student how to play this game. After that the teacher divided the students became two group. Then the teacher draw the box on the whiteboard. A picture of game bingo on the whiteboard. In played this game, the teacher found that the student will be more interesting and more understanding about the lesson question tags, understand the basic concepts of positive and negative statements as well as identify the subject and its pronoun form. So before the teacher began the lesson on question tags, she has to introduce and review these concepts with the students first This can be done in the form of a game where the children learn points if they are successful in completing the question tag. Oral practice also allows children to practice the rising intonation that is required in questions tags.

In playing this game, the teacher found that the student will be more interesting and more understand about the lesson question tags, understand the basic concepts of positive and negative statements as well as identify the subject and its pronoun form. So before the teacher begin the lesson on question tags, she has to introduce and review these concepts with the students first This can be done in the form of a game where the children learn points if they are successful in completing the question tag. Oral practice also allows children to practice the rising intonation that is required in questions tags."
The game is over and there is have 30 minutes to did their exercise and last the teacher give the students to did their exercise in their workbook (the exercise in the appendices). While the students did their exercise the teacher went to check up around the paper of the students and the teacher sign and give score. The exercises were:
Exercise I
Fill in the blanks by using the correct question tags.
  1. Mr Guinness is from Ireland               ?
  2. The car isn't in the garage,                  ?
  3. You are John,              ?
  4. She went to the library yesterday,                  ?
  5. The trip is very expensive,                  ?
  6. He won't tell her,                    ?
  7. You're Australian,                               ?
  8. You aren't English,                             ?
  9. Marlene smokes,                                 ?
  10. Sharks don't like chicken,                   ?

Exercise II
Fill in the blanks by using the correct question tags.
  1. She is pretty,                    ?
  2. He is handsome,                           ?
  3. He often goes there,                         ?
  4. They have a new car,                      ?
  5. They slept last night                       ?
  6. You should meet her,                     ?
  7. He was there,                   ?
  8. They were sleeping,                      ?
  9. Sit down,                   ?
  10. Get out,                      ?
  11. I am right,                        ?
  12. Do not touch me,                      ?
  13. Open the door,                                   ?
  14. You are from Australia,                        ?
  15. Lets go to the cinema,                         ?
            They should make it into one choice form which had an answered. Before the teacher giving exercise, the teacher would review the lesson that had been learn. The teacher would ask the student, how to use question tag, kinds and meaning. The teacher would give one example on how to do the exercise. Then, the students started doing the exercises. They were doing diligently and quickly. They are very confused but they never give up to try doing their exercises. However, they could study English and do the exercises very quickly. It means that, the students were interested in English and accepted the lesson better. The teacher used fifteen minutes for answering the questions. After that, the questions would be discussed together. Then the teacher choose one the student for answer the question number one, the student gave right answer, but the second student gave wrong answer and the another student try to help their friend for answer of the question. It means that they have felt to help other students then they have fully spirit and never give up. These activities continued till all the questions done answered.
4.         Closing
            When the students finished their exercises, these exercises were corrected together. All questions would be answered together or written on the blackboard. From these exercises the writer gave a score. This score showed the ability of the students that they could understand the material or whether they were interested in the English lesson or not. Then, after 30 minutes, the teacher sign and give score. And the time is up, the students have to comeback home and the teacher said see you later.
3.2.      Teaching Analysis
In this part the teacher must analyze about Teaching English question tags   English question tags using games. When the teacher taught the question tags using games, the students more interested to learn question tags because they can look the true pattern and the students more excited to answer question tags.
The first meeting  the teacher have to give greeting First for the children to make friendly before starting the lesson. After that the teacher explains the lesson clearly so the student can be more interesting and understanding about the lesson. Also the teacher practiced with the games because it can made the students easier to answer some of the questions from the teacher. Not only the teacher who practiced it but also the teacher asked the students to come forward and the teacher asked the students to practice about question tags to their friend, and the other students answer the question. When the students tried to practice in front of the class, they were very excited and happy. It has improve the children because first they don’t understand about the lesson but after the teacher explain they can understand and they got nice score.
So the teacher thought many influences to the students if the teacher teaches question tags using games. The students do not  bore and the students always happy because the students can practice in front of the class, and they feel proud because they can be the best. And also the students can be more active if they can practice directly, it can made the students more confident if they practice.
The Problem in teaching the children at such a young age that they are not behaviorally developed. The teacher found may be the first time some children have a significant body of rules to follow. In fact, learning how to follow rules and peacefully interact with peers are some of the primary reasons children attend to study. The solution is before deciding to teach question tags, determine if you have the ability to not only to enforce behavioral rules but also to handle the stress and disorder that accompanies students' behavioral problems.
            The solution are the teacher should be give games in every meeting so that they were not boring and paid attention to the teacher. Games will help the students for thinking that English is very fun and they would like with English lesson, the teacher should arrange the seat formation in semicircle in order to make easy with the students, sometimes they always made some problems. The solutions mentioned above probably not only help to handle the difficulties and problems that influence teaching process in the classroom, but also they are expected to minimize the problems. These solutions are useful for teachers to be applied in the classroom when they face the problem in teaching and learning process.

3.3.      Teaching Evaluation
            In teaching evaluation The teacher found The difficulties in teaching were on how the teacher gave it slowly, using English some student could accept the lesson. The conditions of the class were very quiet. The students did listen while the teacher explained the lesson. They have many kinds of students character in the classroom.
            Some students were not afraid of the teacher, they sometimes did not pay attention. Some students pay attentions while the teacher was explaining the lesson, they could understand fully. In this situation, the students would be given a chance to ask but some body still asked the teacher. The students who never gave attention, they were confused. While the writer  they were cheating task their friends and the other students making noisy with each other their friends though suddenly they were laughing together.

1.  Purpose and Problem and Solution       
Based on the analysis, the teacher concludes teaching question tags using games can get many advantages, the students more active because the teacher always asks the students to practice and the can not feel bored when the students learn question tags. And also the students will more interest because they can look the pattern of question tags, It can make they excited to learn question tags. And also, the teacher thinks teaching question tags using games is very suitable to teach sixth grade because it can make the teacher easy to teach question tags and it can simpler to teach question tags. The first advantage of applying some games in teaching learning process was the students could be more interested in learning the material. When the students were interested in learning the material, they would give more attention to the lesson given. That condition gave a good chance for both the teacher and the students. On the occasion the teacher could deliver the material very well and the students could understand what they had learned on that day.
The second advantage of applying some games in teaching learning process was the teacher didn’t need to explain too many materials. The teacher just explained the materials needed by the students because they can understand the material on that day by doing  the games. The games could give the students more change to understand the material given because through playing they can learned something without realized that.
The disadvantages:
The first disadvantage of applying games in teaching learning process was by attracting student’s interest to games, all of them were active and made noisy. Sometimes they too much moved and spoke. That condition made the teacher difficult to control them.
The second advantage of applying some games in teaching learning process was by doing games the teacher only had a little time to explain the material and gave some sentences of question tags.
From all the explanation above, it shows that  using games to teach is good technique especially by applying the creative activity one but there were also some disadvantages in using games in teaching question tags to the young learners especially for the sixth grade students in Butterfly English Course.

2.  Problem and solution of Greeting
The Problem in teaching the children at such a young age that they are not behaviorally developed. The teacher found may be the first time some children have a significant body of rules to follow. In fact, learning how to follow rules and peacefully interact with peers are some of the primary reasons children attend to study.
The solution is before deciding to teach question tags, determine if you have the ability to not only to enforce behavioral rules but also to handle the stress and disorder that accompanies students' behavioral problems.
3.  Problem and solution of study stage and active stage
            In teaching learning process, the teacher found some problems. The first problem is on how to make the students understand about the material. In this class, only 70 percent of students could accept the lesson because the students are less attention for their teacher. The students were very busy with their activities, examples while the teacher was explaining the lesson. One of the students who did not give attention suddenly, the teacher could give question related the lesson. In delivering the lesson the teacher found some students who did not pay attention to the lesson.
Second the teacher prepared the things of game such as card, ball, and equipment of game. Before the teacher teach in the classroom, first the teacher has to study how to play that game. The teacher has to choose the suitable games to teach question tags. The students who never gave attention, they were confused. While the writer  they were cheating task their friends and the other students making noisy with each other their friends though suddenly they were laughing together.
            The students  pay attentions while the teacher explained the lesson. But some of them did not still understand yet, the teacher would explain again slowly and explain one by one. Situation of the class can change at anytime depend on the teacher handle the students; the teacher should be creative and flexible. Sometimes students can stop their activities more doing exercises, while their friend feel fed up, they were quite. These conditions only attended 15 minutes. Games would help students to add their vocabulary and games should related with the material before. They were given exercises after explaining the material.
            Then, the students started doing the exercises. They were doing diligently and quickly. They are very confused but they never give up to try doing their exercises. However, they could study English and do the exercises very quickly. It means that, the students were interested in English and accepted the lesson better. The teacher used fifteen minutes for answering the questions. After that, the questions would be discussed together. Then the teacher choose one the student for answer the question number one, the student gave right answer, but the second student gave wrong answer and the another student try to help their friend for answer of the question. It means that they have felt to help other students then they have fully spirit and never give up. These activities continued till all the questions done answered.
            When the students finished their exercises, these exercises were corrected together. All questions would be answered together or written on the white board. From these exercises the writer gave a score. This score showed the ability of the students that they could understand the material or whether they were interested in the English lesson or not. Then, after 30 minutes, the student collect the exercise and this is exercise.
From all the explanation above, it shows that  using games to teach is good technique especially by applying the creative activity one but there were also some disadvantages in using games in teaching question tags to the young learners especially for the sixth grade students in Butterfly English Course. The solution are the teacher should be give games in every meeting so that they were not boring and paid attention to the teacher. Games will help the students for thinking that English is very fun and they would like with English lesson, the teacher should arrange the seat formation in semicircle in order to make easy with the students, sometimes they always made some problems. The solutions mentioned above probably not only help to handle the difficulties and problems that influence teaching process in the classroom, but also they are expected to minimize the problems. These solutions are useful for teachers to be applied in the classroom when they face the problem in teaching and learning process.

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